Direct Message us @semifitdadclub on Instagram to purchase the official Semifit Dad Club Flag!

Welcome to the Club!

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In 2016, Semifit Dad Club began with a group of dads meeting up to struggle through workouts, trade dad stories and talk a little trash. The club continues today as we motivate each other to show up, be consistent and push towards self goals.

The club stands as a badge for those working towards best-dad and best-self. The title "Semifit" is worn proudly as we find the balance between fatherhood, fitness glory and happiness (donuts). The workouts are ugly. The trash talk is unfiltered. The dad stories are real.

Ten Percent of all SFDC sales are donated to the fight against human trafficking.

If you're interested in learning more about our club and our mission statement, please check out the ABOUT US page.

Thank you for visiting our site!

The Semifit Dad Blog